Thursday, February 20, 2025

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning, thinking about things that is out of my control. It all started when I stumble this TikTok account of a young lady who is a cancer patient. I was watching all her video and then at some point I realized she already pass away. I don't know I cannot stop watching her. I feel so sad and connected to her even I haven't heard about her name before. 

Why is cancer so prevalent in the United States? I know not one but Two person closest to my heart died of Cancer. One being is my mother n Law and the other one is Mum Jenene. For most of my old blogger friends, I am pretty sure you know who she was. She was my Ex's mom, and I was so close to her. In fact, she flew to Manila Philippines just to see me. She was there for me not only in my ups but also in my lowest low of my life. I remember few years back when she learns that I live in the US, we used to talk on the phone a lot. I just decided to cut our communication off out of respect to my husband. And one day a police officer shows up to the house to do a welfare check on me. HEHE! I was terrified in the beginning. they told me that mom Jenene checked on me and to call her to keep her worries away. I explained to her that I am married now, and I don't my relationship with my husband to get sour. She was very understanding about. 

When they learn she had cancer they let me know through Facebook messages. I felt so sick in my stomach when I learned she pass away. Even in my low moments when I have nobody to share my troubles, I always call her not for advice because I am very hardheaded, but just to talk too. She was always there to listen and sometimes judged me. LOL! I love that woman. Three days before she died, we talk on the phone for a few minutes. I knew then that she was weak. I can hear it in her voice, I was so sad of her passing 3 days later. I just wish I visited her in her last few days. thinking about it makes me so sad. 

I know both of them are in no pain now. and with Jesus in Heaven. I wish there are new medicine that kills cancer cells easy. Hoping and Praying so hard that it will happen one day. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Fishing Story

 I woke up 10 A.M this morning. you may ask why so late? Our normal bedtime is 2 A.M so obviously I have to stay in bed longer than usual. I used to be a morning person, which I still am. I like waking up when everyone is sleeping. I enjoyed my alone time in the morning. Just me and a cup of coffee. 

This morning, I started reading this book husband's daughter lend me. The book is called "All Good People Here. very interesting. I will update the verdict of the story once I finish the book. I have been in my reading rote lately.

While James is watching his show on YouTube , I am in the bed reading my stuff. That is why I sleep real late too. It really is so nice that James is already retired. I have a company of a human being 24/7. I don't mind it at all. I am so excited for spring. I look forward to go fishing. I could fish all day. ha. ha. I enjoyed catching it but not cleaning. I tell you a funny story.

When we went to the Philippines 2016, James and my brothers went fishing. He catch a bunch of small fish like itty bitty shiners (bolinao) HE throw it back in the water. My brothers were wondering why he throw it back there. So my brother caught one he showed it to my husband and told him they will keep that size. he was laughing he thought it was a joke. LOL! He didn't know that we keep small fishy in the PI to eat for dinner. They had a good time fishing. 

When they came home, my sister got the fish and clean it . He was amazed and told them, in the US. when I go fishing, I also clean my fish.but here the women clean the fish which makes sense if you both eat it for supper together. He told me then and there that he knows now who cleans the fish. LOL! Since then, Both of us clean the fish. I still don't clean the fish alone. I'm not going to lie, I do sometimes. I hate to just waste it you know. After spending all day in the lake it don't make any bit of sense to just ruin the fish, so I clean it. But not happy when I do it alone

That's all for now. Since it's Sunday we probably go visit the family. I may be rude but because we spent all day there, sometimes I just go take a nap in the couch. They can talk all day long and I am just not made for that, so the couch is my rescue. what can I do? 

Bye for now ... This post don't makes sense in the moment, but I like reading it in the future. 

See yah later.



Friday, February 14, 2025

Happy Valentines Day!

 How's your valentines everyone? James and I don't really put so much effort on valentine. We have the usual card and flowers and chocolates but other than that we just go on with our lives. I know one of y'all make it a big celebration, that's fine too. I am Happy for you. I guess we are married long enough that valentines is just another normal day for us. We eat out a lot of times a week so eating on special occasions are no big deal anymore. Am I insane for not making it a big deal? well, James is and has always been thoughtful and never fails to buy me those valentines essentials. LOL

Anyhow, I have such a great day today, . Every day is valentines in our house. And I am Thankful for that.

That's all for now. Hope y'all have a happy Valentines! I love you....


They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...