Sunday, September 28, 2014

Happy 1st year to me...

One year ago, I fly with the big bird to come here in the United States. Leaving my family and the life that I am used too is not quite easy. It takes a lot of courage to do it. I came here because of my dream, to marry the love of my life and to stay committed to the person that loves me beyond exception.

One year ago, I don't know what United States looks like. Yes! I saw it on TV, but never seen it with my own vision. I never know how it feels like to live or even to have a short vacation in this side of the world. Yes. one year ago United States is just a part of my dream.

And today marks that same day when I stepped my foot here in American soil. I know how it feels like to be here now obviously. Life where I'm at, is just like my life back home. Around here are simple people and I am loving it. Our place is so peaceful. It's away from the hustle and bustle of the city life that I'm used too. I am closer to nature this time, and I'm enjoying every bits of it.

1.)I learned that Hey! is not a disrespectful word.
2.) Also calling your mom/dad in-law by their names are just normal (but still I can't do it!) I call them mom and daddy.
3.) huh? is a word to disrespect your elders.

Some culture here shocks me too, but I will never complain because we have some in the Philippines that will surely blow them away also. te. hee!

To sum it all, I feel so blessed to be in this side of the world. My family and friends here is an addition to the family I have in the Philippines. I will never forget where I came from, but I'm also loving my adopted home land.

 One year ago I dream, and today I am living on that dream. I have so many first time, but will talk about it on my next post.

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...