Wednesday, August 31, 2016

My answer to your question...

It's been a little while again. I know. The culprit? is the usual norm "laziness".

Being married is something I enjoyed very much in this side of the world. Our simple life makes it a lot easier for me through the daily struggles of being away from the family.I have my ups and downs but as always my positive outlook out-shadow the negative vibes all the time. I have been asked many times(almost everyday!) of when do I decide to have a child? My answer? I don't know. 

To be honest, having a child is not something for me I believe. But if it's God for me to have at-least one.. of course! I welcome that angel with open Arms. But I think having a child is not the only basis to have a healthy happy marriage life. James and I live normal, happy, and healthy marriage on a daily basis. We don't argue (except-when I get my monthly thing. I am miss GRUMPY!) but other than that circumstance, we live a peaceful life. We discuss our future goals and try our best to achieve it. My husband has two lovely daughters and we have a little grandson already. And that's more than enough for me. I am happy and content with what God has given me and I could not ask for anything better than this. 

So for those of you that think my life sucks! my answer is Just focus your own life instead of mine. I have a perfect married life even without a child. A true happy and healthy marriage not for social media purposes but in the  REAL WORLD!. 

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...