Sunday, March 3, 2019


JAN 24 was the day I got my license. I am overjoyed to say the least. I have been working on it for the past two months.When the lady at the DMV hand it to me I was over the moon.

I know I need to slow down with this emotions. But hey this is another Achievement unlocked!

But...... Do you really believe I will be using it? Perhaps you wonder if I have the guts to drive by myself. I know self doubt is too late. I have my license already. I am very nervous thinking about it. So this blog will be a series of my emotions. I wanted to document every little emotions I will be feeling in the coming months. With all my heart I wanted to keep pushing. I know I can. I believe I can. I just have to practice every single day. Whenever the husband ask me to drive, I will definitely say YES in a heartbeat. I guess that will be the secret to confidence. 

Sometimes I feel so duwag, maybe most of the time. But wait......

Remember those times in Manila when I knew nobody? at first it was the scariest decision I made in my life. But what Happens???? I enjoyed it so much that I don't even wanna go back to Cebu for Vacation. (that was a little lie). I love Cebu. I was just too scared to go back and then people think I am a failure. Yep! that was the truth. The main reason that I avoided going back to Cebu for a long time. But not anymore!

Also.. Remember those times when I enroll college by myself. Remember I wanted to go to nursing school but decided to  switch to Hotel Management because I am too scared to poke people, or maybe to scared of seeing bloods and wounds? Remember that? And now What???? I regret every-time I think about it. But One thing I never regret. Meeting my friends. They are the ones that saved me and help me heal my broken heart. Ahhhh. those were the days. I still can remember how I was tore into pieces. I THANK MY SAVIOR IN HEAVEN for blessing me now with a wonderful man. 

Today: I will continuously remind myself to TRUST that everything I do will be for the better. It will be a constant battle believe me. I know I can drive., just one day at a time. One road-trip at a time. 

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day...