Thursday, March 11, 2021

A scare of a LIFETIME.....

One month ago I was so terrified with my dogs life. WE though we will lose her. 

It started out on that morning when we first woke up. Our dog Lilly sleep with us in our King sized bed every night. She is my only child you know. That morning, she looks normal but a little weak, so like always as spoiled as she is husband picked her up and put her on the floor. She always follow the husband whenever he is getting ready for work, but that day she just lay on the floor. When he checked on her he noticed she cannot even stand up. Her hind legs are not working and it looked like she broke her hips. Husband calmly approached me because he knows I will panic right away. He told me come and see Lilly. (that time I was in the kitchen just making coffee as we drink coffee together every morning). Then he showed me Lilly and told me it seemed like she broke her hips. He said I'll just go to the office and ask the boss I will take a day off so we can go to the Vet

One hour later he came back. I have everything ready so We rushed her to her Doctor. The Doctor visually examined her and without even touching her yet he told us that she probably be paralyzed for the rest of her life. There is this chronic disease on dogs that attacked her spine or muscles I don't know everything was a blur for me at that moment. I was so scared and I can't hide my tears in front of those strangers (Doctor and Nurses) Lilly is our baby. Then the Doctor X-ray Lilly and find out she has a slip disc. One of her disc is kinda pushing tot he side and that is the reason why her hind legs is not working. She didn't have a broken hip Thank God, But still her life is in danger. Doctor told us he think she needs to have emergency surgery. So we rushed her to the nearest Hospital for dogs. There they do MRI and blood test as they have more complete equipment. By that time Lilly looks normal but only she cannot walk. We waited a few hours. They put her on anesthesia as they were doing MRI and finally result came. They showed us a clear picture of her spine, inside the spine and explained us everything. Also they examined her blood to rule out cancer and result came she don't have cancer. Thanks God. 

They put her under medication and she felt better after 4 days. Now she can walk slowly, run and chase vehicles again and annoys me like crazy. ha. ha! But seriously although she is still not out of danger yet, at-least I can see her slowly gaining her strength back and be a normal happy dog again.   I love her to pieces and It breaks my heart see her not able to walk that day. 

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...