Thursday, March 6, 2025

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day. I am a believer in tomorrow is not promised and today is a gift in itself. It is hard to maintain in this mindset. but when you think of all the people that is struggling to even get out of bed, it made you realized how blessed you are.  I have been loving the weather. Although it is almost storm season, but while it is still very pretty outside, I am going to enjoy every second of it. 

We met husband old coworkers yesterday. One of which came with us when we visit the Philippines last year. He is a widow, and he found him a girlfriend in island. They just cut off and having a good catch up while eating Mexican food. Also, can't help it but talk about politics. My Opinion? I love what is happening in America right now. I believe the country is heading to the right direction.

We went shopping after lunch. Bought few things that is needed in the house. Also, I bought a pair of jeans. I know I have plenty, but I want something comfy when I am working the yard. 

Today 3-06-25 our plan is to buy lumber. We haven't finish our back porch and it's about time. There was a guy that came to the house yesterday and ask us if we want to put asphalt in our driveway for $2000. It sounds like a good deal so me and my husband will finish the porch project so we can put asphalt and not worry about being muddy no more.

have to leave now so i will cont. tomorrow.

see yah!

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day...