We met husband old coworkers yesterday. One of which came with us when we visit the Philippines last year. He is a widow, and he found him a girlfriend in island. They just cut off and having a good catch up while eating Mexican food. Also, can't help it but talk about politics. My Opinion? I love what is happening in America right now. I believe the country is heading to the right direction.
We went shopping after lunch. Bought few things that is needed in the house. Also, I bought a pair of jeans. I know I have plenty, but I want something comfy when I am working the yard.
Today 3-06-25 our plan is to buy lumber. We haven't finish our back porch and it's about time. There was a guy that came to the house yesterday and ask us if we want to put asphalt in our driveway for $2000. It sounds like a good deal so me and my husband will finish the porch project so we can put asphalt and not worry about being muddy no more.
have to leave now so i will cont. tomorrow.
see yah!