Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Trade in or NOT?

Today is such a great day. So husband and I decided to go to town today. The weather is pretty nice this morning and so we decided to just get-out of the house . We have a few items in our to-do and grocery list. one of which is his truck filter. The filter and maintenance on his truck is quite pricy and it is so aggravating each time. So while in town we decided to check on Truck dealership just to shop around new vehicle. Husband has 2018 RAM 2500 diesel and the Trade in for his truck is a lot. The ones we inquire, is a 2023 model Dodge 1500. He wanted a truck where he can change oil and change filter by himself. On our truck right now, he has to go to a shop to have it changed oil and changed filters. and it is so expensive. We have to pay at least $700 every time The sales person told us we can trade his old truck with that 2023 RAM no out of pocket. We just switch keys and we are good to go. We were a bit stunned. We walked out the door with our old truck but having a thought in mind that we may consider trading it in.

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day...