Thursday, February 13, 2025

I am just Rambling

I don't know what got into me. All of a sudden, I feel like blogging again. I wish it's a lot easier to post photos here, but it really is not. I am not using a digital camera anymore, who does? If one of  y'all still does, well congrats. :) You still have a better-quality photo. 

In all honesty, I started out bringing my camera with me this year. It was nice while it lasted. So bulky though. that is why It did not last long. 

have you heard about a TikTok being banned? that one did not last too. I was in Tiktok rabbit hole . I hear myself laughing so hard right now. I was so addicted on that app and not gonna lie it consumed most of my nights. I went to bed like very late at night. I think I burn my eyeballs and my credit card. I had order so many product, most of them are useless to say the least. Glad I got over it now. lol 

In the beginning of my husband being retired, we had to adjust a little. I stay at home all the time and love spending alone. But since I cannot do that anymore, I was a little grouchy Bitch sometimes. I think I need a little bump on my forehead. Don't get me wrong. We enjoyed most days, like 99% of the time. But the 1%? Don't even get me started about it. hahaha.. It's fine now. We adjusted so well . but I said on last post I am so grumpy. It is true and that was after our Philippines visit. I miss the life in the Philippines I guess. 

Anyhow. this week has been very cold in this side of the planet. last week the weather felt like spring , this week is the opposite. You have to wear jacket, if ever you wanna go outside. or else you will freeze yourself to death. We are in Louisiana you know and not use to this cold weather. But I enjoy it. not complaining. In fact, loving it. 

alright. that is all I can think of for now. . . I may come back here tomorrow night. Time stamp right now is 10:22 PM.

see y'all later. I enjoyed having you here. listening to my rambling.



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