Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Oh Hey!!!!

 Hi y'all. It has been soo long. What's new? hahha....

It's 2025 already. So many things happened in my life. James retired from his job last year. and also last year we visited the Philippines. We spend 2 months, and it was one of the best vacations we had. But I cannot just go on with my post if I will not acknowledge the passing of my dog. 

April 06,2023 my dog Lilly passed away. I had so many good memories with my little Doberman. Husband gifted me a dog on my first Christmas here in the US. and it was my Lilly. She literally saved my life. I remember I just got here in the USA that time, when somebody was trying to break into our home. I was terrified to say the least. My dog Lilly was so aggressive that the burglar decided to just go away. Of course, I called my husband, and he came to my rescue.  We called 911 and they caught the guy. I am so glad I have a dog. fast forward to the day of her passing. It was the saddest day in our household. Husband and I took her to the Vet and there, they put her to sleep. :( we cried so hard because she is not just a dog to us. She was our baby. We lost a part of us on that day. But like anything else. Life has to go on. I will carry her in my heart and /memories for as long as I live. 

Today we have a new Doberman in the house. She will be 4 years old in June 2025. We got her when she was just 3 months old. She is not Lilly for sure. Her name is Mellie, but we call her "Pop". she is different but she has her own personality. We love her and she is perfect addition to our family.

I told you we spent 2 months in the Philippines. right? We actually build a tiny house there. We bought a piece of property last 2023 and when we visit last year, we build a fence and a small house. This year we will fly again in September. Also, we brought Pop there. she did not like it a lot, but she learns to tolerate it. hehehe! 

For some reason I feel like I am grumpier. I don't have any answer for now, but it seemed like I flip so easily. a little something throws me off so quickly. I don't want to feel this way. I feel so sorry for my husband because I am such a bitch. I can't help it though, so I know there is a problem somewhere.

Anyways, I hope I'll get to upload this site as much as I can. I will try ...

so Bye for now. See yah again later. It might be next month or next year. who knows :)



They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...