Sunday, September 11, 2011

Linen attendant

I am so busy the whole week. I have to go-to work real early to accomplish my task. Why early? because I want everything to be done perfectly. I am very slow just yet in filling out paper works. Making Room status report, Room boy report, Linen requisitions for every room boy and many more to follow. My whole day is so busy.

I honestly love the way my day works now. When I get home I have to-do my laundry (uniform). I have to make sure that room is clean before leaving house for work. I take care of myself responsibly.

To sum up all my whole week is real hectic. I am not complaining. In fact I felt ecstatic because I am now in the process of materializing my future plan. I hope that the hands of time will be nice to me this time around. I know God is there watching me every single minute of my day. I am matured now, and crossed fingers I will make good choices this time around.. :)


Wow! I am that old?... Time sure just went out of the window so quickly. But looking back in the past 20 years of my life (let's just st...