My blog is not dead-alright! LOL!
Anyways I can't sleep and I don't know why. I keep turning and tossing around the bed and finally get tired of it so I got up. I have a hungry stomach right now but I don't want to eat anything. It's just too early for food. Time check 3:36 a.m
OK something new. The cold weather is finally almost come to an end and I am loving it. In the past 3 days we have a beautiful warm weather (Philippines like )...Hooray !. Me and the husband enjoyed working outside together. We clean the boat, that way we can go fishing next week.Woootttt!
We also have been visiting some local beautiful spots here. Well, for some folks that live here all their life it's just normal to them but not for me. I find the green surroundings beautiful. I love the fresh scent of nature. The quiet and serene view is always perfect for my soul. This is one of the reason why I never had a hard time adjusting the country side life style aside from the husband's sweet and loving treatment that I receive every passing day. I mean I live in the big City I know. But ever since when I learn t the Art of Traveling I always wanted to go to the Beach or Mountains. My heart never is in-love in the busy night life of the city. My friends used to call me grandma because every time they invite me to go out clubbing they always get NO as my answer. But eventually they're used to it. ehhehe.
Well, Anyhow I think I'll try to hit the sack again. I feel a little sleepy and I hope this time around I will be able to doze off before the husband alarm will ring.
Good mornyt pepol...XOXO
Thursday, March 20, 2014
They are Both a Mother to ME....
Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...
So OK. We weren't able to go to the lake to test the boat that I purchased as discounted item for product testing. The husband got sic...
So guys I don't have home internet no more because I decided to switch to at&t and avail their unlimited internet. So maybe, I won...
Today is our 3 years anniversary. The day we both say "I DO"... Truth and behold, I love being married. I no longer feel al...