Wednesday, October 24, 2012

First Photoshop Output!

It has been a while since I want to learn about Photoshop  I envy those people that can take great pictures and make it even more beautiful through their talents in editing photos. Just to let you know, I am a photographer wanna be. I am a big fan of all the photographers out there. could be their hobby or source of income.

Just the other night while browsing the programs that my computer has I stumble upon my Adobe photoshop CS5. I remember my friend install the program on my computer when he sell it to me. It is seating there for a while now. As I said I like photography. editing and so many things that technology can offer. But I just don't have the guts back then to start learning. I thought it's gonna be hard and needs a lot of patience. which I could say that it's True enough! LOL!

Anyhow, I wanted to share my first output. This is what I got after spending a lot of time watching Tutorials, reading blogs and working (try and error) in front of my laptop.




Not bad I guess for a first timer... hahahahh! Loving my own <3 p="p">

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...