Sunday, November 16, 2014

One year now... Forever to Go..

 Live more, Complain less. More smiles, less stress. Less hate, more blessed

One year ago me and J promised to God and in front of our families and friends that we will love each other FOREVER. On that certain day we decided to be with each other through the test of time. . J helped me in so many things about life and built my confidence on a daily basis.

On our first few months of being together, it was a little challenge in the kitchen for me. I don't have a good skills with the skillet, stove and oven. I don't even know how to make a hard boiled egg. I remember my first hard boiled egg is an epic fail. It was very soft inside and a little hard outside. J said he did ate it,but I know now for a fact that he didn't. LOL!

As time progressed I learned a little tricks in cooking. Yes! I graduated hotel restaurant management and I should know better in the kitchen area, but I guess my education is not enough. although it helped in some ways but hands on experience is better than reading books and passing the quiz.lately, I am able to utilize our kitchen do experiments and do more practice that leads me to being passionate in cooking. I love cooking now, and our kitchen is one of my favorite place in our home.

On our first year, me and J did quite a few road tripping. We were able to visit three (3) states Texas, Arkansas, and Florida. We had our honeymoon in Arkansas and that's when I fall in-love the place. I think it's my favorite state so far aside from our home state Louisiana. From the colors of the trees on fall season to the people that we met along our travel is magnificent. Then Florida where mickey mouse live. I love that busy city. It was J's gift for me on my birthday. I remember when I was there, it seemed like the City did not sleep. the time passed by so quickly. Our three (3) days exploring Disneyland and Universal Studio weren't enough. But J promised, He will take me back there sometimes in the coming years. Then Florida's beach is a must place to visit too. It's beautiful and incomparable. Philippines has beautiful beaches too and in my conclusion nature has it's own elegance, that is why I will not compare our beach to theirs. Both are exquisite! Then we also were able to see the City of Dallas (Texas). Dallas reminded me of Manila and Cebu. The overpass, the traffic and the view is somewhat similar to where I originally came from. It's one charming city.

 In a span of one year (1) me and J have already come along ways. We were able to manage our marriage so alluringly. Although a little kiddy fights sometimes specially on my-menstrual cycle. But other than that, we never had any BIG issues at all. We also learn a little about each other day by day. I love waking up with my husband everyday. It sure is the most wonderful blessing by my Father in Heaven. Thank God!!!

I believe J and I are in the right track towards our goal to forever. All we have to-do is to keep the momentum going. Marriage do basically depends on how you treat your partner. As of me and J, We have so much hope for the future. We plan on traveling the world together. Seeing the world in our vision, experiencing life's journey holding hands. I never had any doubt that our marriage will last longer than forever. Our love for each other is more than enough proof that we can make it, even through the test of time.

I love you so much husband. I promise to always love and  complete your day as you completed mine. Happy One Year to US!! Cheers to our Journey to a life time...

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...