Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Therapeutic.My Stress reliever

Last week I got so bored that I feel like I burst out into tears any moment. I even got the husband worried because as soon, as He entered the door my tears just keep rolling. LOL! He asked why and I told him I got bored. He gave me a hug me and we decided to go out and eat. Yeah! the story of my life in this side of the world.

So then, instead of being bored, cry and just blow off money to eat out almost daily. I decided to be productive. I worked outside the house. Cutting limbs, raking dried leaves and just do anything that keeps me occupied. I have successfully been able to divert my attention. The weather is very cooperative too. It's so beautiful. the wind is blowing into my face and Mr. Sun shines a little. It's never humid so I feel good.

 Here's a photo of my hard work outside. It's still a work in progress. Maybe it will take a week or two before I will completely finish this project. But for now this photo makes me happy. My sweat has been paid off because hubby is so proud of me. :)

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...