Thursday, October 6, 2011


While browsing photos in my computer. I accidentally stumble a picture dated April 12, 2011. Tears just keep rolling in my eyes while staring to that photo.

A sad memories. A beautiful story with a sad ending.

As of this writing, I still can't believe that we part ways. Two happy souls, dreaming beautiful dream and tomorrows for each other. To have and to hold till death-do us part..

The promises were carried away by the waves in the ocean. It's nowhere now.. It's hidden in the deep sorrow.

But... I still continue living my life. I still continue believing in my dreams. It is offen strange to think how life often throws us a curve ball. and wonder why did things happen a certain way...

All I know is a fact that life is beautiful. Even though my heart is filled with sorrow sometimes. I am not loosing hope, that someday I will be loved again by someone. Hoping that this someone will be forever mine... :)

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day...