Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Surprise! surprise...

Yep!!!! Snow surprised us last week and I was one happy fella. And now as I am writing this I am so ready for summer. That snow is enough for me and I'm ready for winter to be over.

Enjoying the Snow at home
Honey Loves James

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


I get so motivated to work out today. I hope I will continue to-do it every day even for a good 30 minutes. I wanted to trim down the fats that have been in my belly for a few years now. Seriously, I feel huge and people in this side of the world say’s I am skinny. Are you kidding me? LOL!

This American Top model helps me to move my lazy beautiful booty. I wish I have a body like this models. (ambitious girl) If ever I will get that kind of body, I sure will wear 2 piece bikini every day!!! Ha. Ha.

Wish me Luck my labs. 

Signing off, Your Emoterang froglette.

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Daily life. Yard Cleaning

Today’s weather is just so beautiful that I can’t resist working in our yard. There are a lot of things to do outside. The dead trees are scattered all over.

The babe has just been so busy and he doesn’t have any chance to work in our little place. So today I bring my lazy beautiful Booty (LOL!) outside. I clean out the yard by removing the dead trees. I rake a little to make it look nice and clean. At first I was hesitant in doing it. It’s just so creepy to work in the yard alone. At the back of my mind are those scary thought that I see in the movie. What if I see a snake crawling? OH! NOOOOO…. But I did not let my fear from stopping me to do my task.

After my little yard work I feel a lot better and so proud of myself. I have never been productive like this in the past ( I mean outside). I am thankful for my little company too, my dog. Without her, I might not brave myself to step in our yard soil. LOL! Seriously, call me weirdo but It’s true; I am scared to walk outside. Hehehhe.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Daily Life

I feel so disappointed about myself today, as I get so emotional easily. I cry for no reason at all. My heart seemed like it will explode if I will not shed my tears. Do I have some kind of a disorder? LOL! 

I hope I will get over this feeling of being lonely in this side of the world. I don’t want the husband to think I am not happy with him. I am very much happy with my marriage and the last time I checked myself I am head over heels in love with my man. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

The problem is in me I know! I need to change my being childish stubborn attitude now. I hope I can do it in a blink of an eye. I don’t want to hurt the babe by being immature. :(

Oh! Well, I hope this PMS will be gone anytime soon. I want to be back to my old happy self again. This being emotional is a crappy feeling that I dislike the most.  

Oh sya! Emoterang froglette is now signing off  :)

Monday, January 6, 2014

Daily life

Today the temperature outside is below freezing all day. I don’t like taking Lilly to use the bathroom/our yard. LOL! It’s too cold for me, but I need too.

I’ve seen a lot of wild ducks in the lake. At first I thought it was an alligator that made the water move. The babe always tells me that there is no alligator when the weather is so cold, they only appear when the weather is warm. But sometimes I forget. Prolly because I am excited to see alligators in our back yard. Weird eh! 

We also have so many birds today. And I see 2 dead birds in the yard. L . The babe said maybe they don’t survive the cold weather. Poor little birdy
My day is just easy, or maybe lazy. I accomplish nothing except doing the dishes. Ha. Ha. Nah! Babe said no worries. Spoiled huh?

oh sya. emote-rang  frog is now signing off.

Love Y'all

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Meet Lily my new puppy

The husband got me a Doberman puppy for Christmas. He connive with his daughter so he can sneak her as his gift for me. They purchased her online. she's from the state of Missouri and fly here in Lousiana. Candy (Babes eldest daughter) picked her up at the airport 1 week before Christmas eve. 

I named her Lily. She’s a super puppy. This morning as early as 7:00 a.m. she is already hyper activated. She run from one corner to the next and chews everything, even those that is not appealing to her eyes. LOL!!!

The husband decided to get a Doberman for me because according to him, this kind of dog is very protective to the owner. Which I can attest it’s true. There was one time when the babe got home from work without our knowing, my puppy who is sleeping in my lap jump so fast when the door opens and she bark letting him know that she owns our place. I was amazed how brave she is. She thought some strangers come in without our permission.

When she’s brave to strangers, she is the opposite for us. She is the sweetest. She loves cuddling all the time. And when its bed time she's ready for it too. She can sleep with us the whole night without waking me up so she can pee. She’s been doing good and very well in house training. The only problem for now is her chewing everything including my hand. BIG LOL!!!!

Hello!!! My name is Lily Lindsey

Friday, January 3, 2014

Daily Life

This year I will try my best to post photos of me and the husbands travel or even on our simple daily life. Instead of me posting it on Facebook, why not post it in my own page.

Another thing that I am debating lately is buying me a domain but the design of this blog means so much to me. My Friend Twinkle made this beautiful design for free and theirs no way I will erase it.

Anyways back to the photos, I just want you guys to expect this blog to-be loaded with it.

Rustic Bridge in Shreveport
Last Minute Shopping for our Doggie

Last Sunset of 2013

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Happy New Year

2013 is my BIG year. There are so many memories that I will forever treasure in that year. But before I will post anything. First I want to thank my creator in Heaven for being there on my side 24/7 of my life.
I have my ups and down last 2013 like anybody else but thanks God I passed it through. Now, I don’t want to ask for more because God blessed my life so much more than I dreamed of. But like any other human I will continually pray about Good health for all my love ones, Safety for everyone, Love for each other and courage to face every challenge that will come in our way.
2014 is another year for us to correct our wrong doings, to love the people that used to give us a hard time, to forgive and most of all to-strengthen our faith with our God in Heaven.

Have a Happy and Prosperous New Year


They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...