Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Daily Life

I feel so disappointed about myself today, as I get so emotional easily. I cry for no reason at all. My heart seemed like it will explode if I will not shed my tears. Do I have some kind of a disorder? LOL! 

I hope I will get over this feeling of being lonely in this side of the world. I don’t want the husband to think I am not happy with him. I am very much happy with my marriage and the last time I checked myself I am head over heels in love with my man. He is the best thing that ever happened to me.

The problem is in me I know! I need to change my being childish stubborn attitude now. I hope I can do it in a blink of an eye. I don’t want to hurt the babe by being immature. :(

Oh! Well, I hope this PMS will be gone anytime soon. I want to be back to my old happy self again. This being emotional is a crappy feeling that I dislike the most.  

Oh sya! Emoterang froglette is now signing off  :)

Life is a gift

I have been practicing being grateful lately. Every day as soon as my feet hit the floor, I give thanks to heavens for giving me another day...