Monday, April 4, 2011

Time heal all wounds...

Once in our life, we will experience pain. It's a part of being human I believe.

Pain is a suffering not just by our physical body but also the emotion with in our soul. When were in that certain situation, we felt like being abandoned by the world. Sometimes we tend to blame the Lord why this agony happened. We did not realize that he is carrying us like song "foot prints in the sand".

I for one experienced a shattered heart few months back.

At that certainty all I see is a dark light. No matter how and what my friends advices me, I weren't able to appreciate it literally. What is clear in my mind is that I am hurt and wanted to end the agony through death. I did not eat for 3 days in a row. I just lay in bed and cried all day and night long. I was so depress and can't think of anything good at all.

But, as time passes by I felt like the burden inside my heart is melting. It's like the sun's appearance during the winter time as it melted the snow. As the sun goes up the pain is slowing down. It is healing by it's own. Now, I realize that when a relationship ends you don't have to dwell with that failed relationship all your life. The world is quiet big and wither we like it or not, we also have to consider looking at the other side of the world. When one side is dark, it doesn't mean that the whole world is covered with darkness. It's a fact, that the world has 2 faces. One is filled with black colors during the night and the other one is bright as it faces the day.

I am Thankful that God is with me along with my journey. He carried me when I was so down and can't stand up for a walk. He leads me and direct me to the right path in life. A BEAUTIFUL path that sure will bring goodness and happiness for a life time.

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...