Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Day#6 of Happiness

Last night as I browse around my computers file, I stumble some good old photos. I remember those beautiful smiles on the pictures. The place too is so lovely. It's a paradise for me.

Then I realized that it has been ages since I went there. I was with a company of that special person that once upon a time makes my heart beat so fast. LoL!

Seriously, I wanted to reminisce my past as a learning experience. I am not bitter with my past. It happens because God has another plan for me and I accept that with all of my heart. Last year was a limbo for me because I don't understand why it happens. Everything was based on emotions, and I did not use my instinct and brain to make decisions. But as time passed by, It slowly heal my wounded heart. Now, I completely understand everything about it. I am completely healed. :D

I got a chance to met new people and with all honesty It's more easy for me to let go of those who are not worth keeping. It's not that bad to clean your closet right? That means when you let go, you give a chance for someone better to come in.

Life is constantly changing. We just have to learn to embrace the changes wither it will brings sorrow or happiness, because in that uncertainty, it is there that you'll find happiness and serenity that will last forever.

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...