Thursday, October 23, 2014

Life Stop and Everything Freeze.

The husband and I attended a funeral of our sister in law's daddy last weekend. While listening to the family talking about that person's life , I made so many realizations too about life and the way I spent it.

Death. It is something we can never figure out of when it will strike.When a person died, it also means that all his daily activities are gone. Of course! it's an obvious reasons. During the funeral, I noticed that everybody stop and freeze for a moment. It's like the clock stops tickling too.

Being around in this crazy, yet beautiful world for 32 years is something I am definitely thankful to my creator. It is a privilege for me to live a very normal life. Bruises when I was a kid while we play, fun and happy memories with my neighbors and friends along the road. Heartaches and eventually fall in love again.

Life is like a cycle or a pattern in one. You are looking forward to grow old, and yet wanting to look back and be youthful and vibrant again. Living my life to the fullest is an understatement. I have lived and survived every passing day despite all the trials that comes my way. My faith is strong and that's one of the reason I survived. But life is full of surprises..We never know when it will hit us again for us to learn things the hard way. It never is perfect, and nobody lived their life so perfectly just saying.

It's a privilege for me, because I am able to appreciate more on the loveliness than the roughness of the world. I am able to enjoy every bits and pieces of my life, than isolate my world in complaining on the things I don't have and will never get. To smell the flowers out in our yard is just a little thing, but when you open your eyes widely and look it in a deeper perspective, It is something that is big for others and I consider it a blessing myself too.

Right at this stage of my life. I have nothing to complaint about. Well, I never consider myself a gripe person at all. I just wanna be happy and Enjoy my life with the person I love the most. Because we, really never know when our time is over. And perhaps when it happens, well I am confident enough to say that at-least I get to enjoy the ride so very much~!!

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...