Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Simply live...

I prefer to live my life in a daily basis. Many months has elapsed already that I decided to live this way. I think it helped me a lot. Decision making wise...

A simple life is not boring at all. No hopes, no expectations. Just breathing the air that is sufficient for the day. Just doing what is really needed to be done. And just do simple things. washing clothes, studying before exam, writing notes, playing around FB. or just a plain grocery shopping. It doesn't matter.

To expect is to get hurt. That is what I know for many years of living in this world. Imagine yourself line up for many hours just to watch your favorite show that You have been wanting to witness real badly and expect that there are many seats available. But what if at the end of the day tickets are sold out and you don't get one? How would you feel????... Bad! ...disappointed!.. I'm sure it will be the emotions that will sink in right then and there. See how expectations can change the feelings of individual so drastic.

It's just a plain example. but I am sure you know what I mean....
That is why I decided to just live my life according to what my day will give. I have dreams and hopes too but to expect??? nah... I honestly don't. And I will not want too. I opted that way. better that way I believe..

They say SIMPLE is BORING... would you agree with them?. As for me. I don't...

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...