Sunday, August 12, 2012

Day#16 of Happiness

I just arrive in my little apartment today. I sleep 11 p.m last night and woke up 2 in the morning to prepare for my early departure. I had a feeling that it's gonna be a long day for me.

When I got home, I smell my rooms emptiness. I feel that my room is patiently waiting for my arrival. Longing for me to-do the clean up after it was being affected by the flood. It's not that bad really. unlike those that you see in the news. what happens is probably after raining for about a month plus 1 week of really heavy rain, the cement got moist. Also during heavy rain, water will gets inside passing the main door. I believe that's why my bed is real wet, But if I was there during the flood week, then for sure it won't happen.

Moving forward, as soon as I got home, I just put my bags at the corner and sweep the floor right away. I had to turn my bed upside down to dry the wet side. I had to wipe some wet spot on the floor too. An hour later, water is gone so I decided to-go-to the store and buy my grocery. I had bottled water, and some healthy foodies. :)

When I got home from grocey, I gave my friends their pasalubong, something to snack on. I waited another 2 hours before I decided to take a nap. It was a long nap and I am happy I did.

Right now, I am here in front of my lappy relaxing a little. I plan to-go to bed early tonight. I still feel tired.

And before I will end this entry. I want you to know that no matter what happens, life is a wonderful blessing. The one's that I experience are just really minor compared to those people who are affected by the monsoon.

I feel lucky and blessed!

They are Both a Mother to ME....

 Hey, I did not sleep good last night. Something has been bothering my peace in the middle of my slumber. I woke up around 2 in the morning,...